Our children love to garden! We grow seasonal plants - Sunflowers grew really well this year!

This area is great for all of our children - they love the 'bus' and we go on many many adventures with them!

We have loads of outdoor space great for outdoor learning and enjoying the fresh air!

Children love exploring! Magnifying glasses and tools are provided to help aid all these investigations our children love!

This area is designed for our under 2's and enables our babies to explore sensory play outdoors!

Children love to play in the sand and let their imagination do the rest!

Tea party

Tuff trays can be found around the nursery and are regularly updated based on individual interests

This is a facility in the Sun room and is a popular area for those who love building and dinosaurs

This is where it can get messy! Children can enjoy a rage of creative resources here as well as malleable play such as play dough, foam or moon sand!

Our reading area is located in the Moon room. Our core books focus on communication and early literacy development

Our creative area includes many materials that can help turn your child's art work into a masterpiece!

We have worked hard to make our baby room a cosy and inviting place for our under 2s!

This area allows for the children to use their own creativity and imagination and become doctors, chefs or parents!

The Moon room includes a wide range of resources and activities for the children to access - our children love the role play and construction zones that are in this area.